Thank you for your continued interest in a business career as a Kitchen Craft Consultant.
If approved, you would be joining a very elite team of independent business owners that teach Health and Wellness to the family’s in your own community.
We train you to be the local “Mom and Pop” consultant that conducts health and wellness cooking and environment classes and you sell and service an American made cooking system that started in West Bend Wisconsin in 1906.
The waterless cooking concept that we introduce, requires live or virtual demonstrations to be understood, and that is your job and business. Our huge advantage over retail and on line stores is that we show them how it works, explain the endless health and savings advantages, impeccable personalized customer service and ongoing customer training programs through cooking classes that you would be trained to conduct. This is what today’s customers want and what you would provide, personal service.
Where do you start?
Our team assists you in ongoing training to help you schedule cooking classes and local events. We even provide the pop up display that you may borrow or purchase while we train you to market and promote your business in the community. Each consultant is provided with a $1,000 advertising allowance to get you started, which can be used for local ads, trade shows and events in your area.

Get started with cooking demonstrations for your friends and their family, We provide training to assist you in learning how to reach people through social media and local events.
Reach out to new customers at local events such as:
Local health events:
Set up a display and have a captured audience of health-conscious people who realize “we are what we eat drink and breathe “.
Local fitness centers:
“Eat in and stay thin” is our motto at a Gyms, Curves, LA fitness etc. these are the people who eat at the best restaurant in town; their Kitchen!
Fresh Farmers markets:
One of our consultants in Arizona sells over $500,000.00 every year at a farmer’s market. He’s been there 20 years and only works weekends. This is where health conscious people buy their produce.
Senior communities in their event centers:
Our average buyer is 50 to 70 years old. Their health is their greatest asset at this point in their lives.
Military base PX and BX exchanges:
The military is on a huge health movement and with our American made label they’ve asked us to do presentations at every base in the world. We also give them additional hardware for their cookware that has the ensign is of their branch. The same for police and fire.
Fire houses:
Some of the best cooks in your community are firemen and their health is crucial to their career.
All communities have meeting rooms and welcome “healthy cooking classes”:
Condo Associations
Yacht clubs
Golf clubs
Local grocery providers:
Whole Foods, Albertsons, Kroger’s etc. they love outside vendors.
RV resorts:
We have special sets for the RV family and they welcome our entertaining cooking show at their resort meeting rooms.
Food and Wine, Strawberry, Avocado, Art, your local festival is the new “trade show”. Cooking at home is the “new norm” and foodies want quality cookware.

What will we do for you?
We provide virtual training for each of these venues and there is no fee for training. At these events, we have a conversation with the people passing by, followed up but an explanation of our system of cooking and a short close to help them own the greatest investment ever for their family’s health. Be astonished as you read through our 5-star reviews from thousands of customers.
Then, we accumulate leads for personal chef programs where we perform live presentations about health and wellness at their clubs, homes, churches, the VFW, work luncheons, schools, and endless opportunities to tell and sell our systems of waterless cooking, water filtration, air filtration (our Healthway air purification system kills particles smaller than Corona viruses) and an oxidizing systems that eliminate the use of hot water or detergents in their laundry room. We have a variety of products and systems all designed to create a healthy home environment and a nutritional diet of home cooked meals that is “the new norm” in the American homes.
The people attending the health and wellness programs, want to have a presentation for their friends, families and organizations, and you’ll quickly be booked solid and have your own successful and profitable business.
How much will I earn?
Speaking of profit, most businesses are happy to earn a 5 to 10% net profit after all costs incurred. As a kitchen Craft healthy home consultant, you will earn a minimum of 20% profit and for every thousand dollars in sales, we invest $50.00 back into your advertising budget as well as Benefit bonuses and loyalty bonuses that can be used for retirement investment programs.
Your sales for the month are $30,000.00 which is common for a part time rep.
You would earn approximately $6,000.00 in profit
We would deposit $1500.00 into your advertising bank to continue promoting you in the community.
We would deposit $750.00 into a health insurance bonus fund that you could use for health insurance or whatever needs you may have.
We would deposit $750.00 into a retirement loyalty fund which is paid to you at the completion of your first five years of active production.
In addition, the company has a profit-sharing bonus that you could qualify for paid at years end.
“This is an amazing career for someone who is self-motivated, driven, wants to be their own boss, make their own schedule and determine their own worth. If all you want is a paycheck, a business career would not be your best directive.”
~ Mark Temares, 40 Years at Kitchen Craft
And as a 1099 business owner, you are able to deduct your travel, food and other expenses.
What’s next?
Complete the application and a corporate HR director will review and contact you within 24 hours.
If accepted, you will be scheduled into a home study program followed by virtual training classes with one of our company trainers, and then open your business and go to work. If you dedicate your time and work diligently, you should be generating income within two weeks of acceptance.
Hope to “see you at the top!” as quoted from the world acclaimed motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, who spent 16 years doing what you will be, if accepted.

Because our customers buy American cookware, 9,000 people have a job!